In my opinion, one the cool things about being a parent, is when you see aspects of yourself in your littles. I am not talking about physical resemblance, but about mannerisms, expressions and interests. Of course, the tendency is to claim all of the positive attributes. His love of books? He got that from me. His hilarious sense of humour? Totally his Mama's boy. His flair for drama? Must be from his father. His hatred when anyone sings? Not sure.....Ebenezer Scrooge?
Since the start of the pandemic, we have noticed something startling about our youngest. He is a couch potato. The term "couch potato" conjures an image of an actual potato, in boxer shorts, sitting on a worn couch. Sprouts coming out of everywhere, due to laziness and lack of self care. Empty chip bags everywhere. Oh, wait...that just got dark. Anyhow, this sweet baby is at his most happy, when he is curled up on the couch, with a remote clutched in his tiny five-year-old hands. I am sure that if you looked closely, his knuckles would be white from how tightly he is gripping the channel-changing wand. Toting it around to make sure that it doesn't get out of his sight. I saw him literally stop halfway on his way to the table for lunch, chastise himself under his breath for his forgetfulness, and go back and grab the remote. This has gotten out of hand.
To be fair, this quarantine situation has not helped the cause. So many hours to fill in the day. Virtual work meeting? TV. Work deadline to meet? TV. Lunch to make? TV. Come to think of it, I am not sure how I would have been able to manage without TV co-parenting with me. Let's raise our glass in a toast to TV. Unfortunately, this has really enabled our little sofa tater tot. If we didn't have an outdoor couch, I am not sure that we would ever get him outside.
It's not that he doesn't like to run and play and swim. Once we dust off his crumb filled jammies and force him away from his stories, he has a great time. He loves to splash with his brother in our little pool and play with his toys on the deck. He also likes to sit. On the outdoor couch. Like a sunbathing spud. But, hey. He is getting fresh air, right?
This slothful behaviour of my gorgeous little boy presents the question - who did he get this from? I like to think that my husband and I are both active people. We like to camp, hike and exercise. We love to sit out on our deck. Okay, okay. We are also colossal couch potatoes. It's all about balance. A little nature walk here, jammies and a murder doc there. Although, to be fair, we are home bodies at heart. Most content when we are snuggled up with our favourite blankie, a plethora of snacks, a bevy and a PVR full of Dateline and 48 Hour Mystery. Okay, that last part is just me. I guess there's no passing the buck here. We are a family of chesterfield lounging root vegetables. We will just have to work on our tiny tater tot finding some balance. As long as we don't start sprouting, I think we will be okay.
Does Mommy need to lose her shit?
Not this week.
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